First Freestyle Judo Fight Night for 2022 All Grapplers (Judo, BJJ, Wrestlers, Jiu-Jitsu, Sambo, MMA) are welcome to enter and to come and show your…
After a grueling 2020/2021 and a well deserved break and Covid-19 Pandemic we are finally back to training! Ritoru Tatsu reopened it’s door in 2022…
Welcome back! We want to wish all judokas the best for the new year and good luck with the tournaments that are set for 2022.…
Gold medallist Chris Sherrington says judo helped him conquer stress and alcohol problems after spending R150 000 (£8,500) on drink in just three months. Original…
IBSA has entered into a historic partnership with the International Judo Federation (IJF) to work together to promote judo for blind and partially sighted athletes…
One thing that most new students struggle with is on how to tie their Judo belt. I hope this video helps explain things.
A 10-year-old boy decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident. The boy began…
It is important that you notify your coach / sensei of any chronic medication you are using. Examples would include: Ritalin Rispilet Epilem etc. As…
This year’s SA Open Judo Championship was held in Port Elizabeth. Congrats to all our players that attended. Here are the results from our district:…